About UPLB

Research and Extension

We envision the University of the Philippines Los Baños as an agora or marketplace of pioneering and demand-driven research and extension for development and innovation – through systems thinking, solutions-making, and future-proof paradigms.

Research and extension, are two of the triple, major functions of UPLB. The University sees to it that its knowledge for teaching and for development are supported by local and/or national research findings from the experience of the institution through research and extension and immersion into the problems of the communities.

The stimulating effect of research provides the backstop and support to the instruction and extension functions. As a center of excellence in higher learning, UPLB’s contribution to the pursuit of relevant knowledge is critical. Since 1909, until the university became autonomous in 1972, readjustments were made in its research thrusts without sacrificing its orientation for instruction. Its unique mission towards agricultural and rural development in the 70s heightened to include more specifically the development of the rural poor in the 80s.

The UPLB AGORA strategizes our research efforts to ensure that what we are doing inside our laboratories, in the field, and in the communities will address the most urgent and most important issues of today and of the future – going beyond publication, concepts, and theories to translate them into solutions and innovations that will really empower people.

This R&E Agenda is co-owned and collectively pursued by the UPLB staff, motivating them to engage in activities that aid in achieving the sustainable development goals while cementing the university’s place in the international community.

Food Security & Sovereignity

UPLB shall ensure people's access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that is produced and traded through sustainable , just and collaboratively define agricultural systems

One Health

This focus area gives UPLB in promoting culturally vibrant, safe, and economically thriving. society

Resilience and Sustainability

UPLB shall seek to improve the physical, emotional, social, and mental wellness of the community.

Future Communities and Institutions

This focus area seeks to lead in facilities the enhancement of stakeholders capacities