Office of International Linkages
Application for IJEP Admission with MEXT Scholarship in October 2024
2023-12-15 06:10:28
We are pleased to announce that the application information for the IJEP Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Admission in October 2024 is now available.

For detailed information, kindly refer to the following links:

1. **University Recommendation (in the field of Science and Technology)**

2. **Special Allocation for IJEP in the field of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering**

3. **Special Allocation for IJEP in the Education Programs of Chemistry and Bioscience, and Chemistry and Materials in the Department of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry**

PW: Mext2024

Furthermore, our website has been updated with additional information:
[GSST Admissions](

**MEXT Scholarship Application for Admission in October 2024:**
1. University Recommendation (in the field of Science and Technology)
- Application deadline: January 12, 2024*

2. Special Allocation for IJEP in the field of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Application deadline: January 19, 2024*

3. Special Allocation for IJEP in the Education Programs of Chemistry and Bioscience, and Chemistry and Materials in the Department of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry
- Application deadline: January 19, 2024*

*All required documents should be received by post before 17:00 (Japan Time). In case of document shipment delays, please send the soft copy via email and ship the documents by the application deadline.

*Applicants are advised to find a prospective supervisor at Kumamoto University before applying.